The page operates under a rather simple system that employs the alphabet. As the listing of reviews grows, the reviews will fall under a general heading of A, B, C and so on. These should show up as listings to the right of the page. To find, let's say, Zombie, you would click on Z and scroll down until you find the relevant listing. These reviews will be edited in to each letter category by updating that post. Technically, there will be 27 posts.


Yes, I am including a separate listing for movies that begin with numbers. Such movies will actually be listed twice; once in the number listing and also in the alphabetical listing wherever that number, if spelled out, would place that movie. Example: 2000 Maniacs will appear in the number section as well as the T section under the title Two Thousand Maniacs.

There will also be an attempt to give links to both for more complete details about the film, cast and crew as well as links to locations where you may be able to purchase the films.
As is appropriate, there will be links to interviews or full reviews generated by this blog and its sister blogs.

Any errors in these reviews are mine. Corrections can be sent to the author through the comments section. Facts will be checked where possible, and the reviews will be updated.

A breakdown of the rating system can be found permanently to the right of these postings. The author reserves the right to add further comments to individual ratings.

Fair warning: While this blog currently does not seek to generate income, that may change in the future. The content will remain the same. If the content comes under fire by any advertiser on this site, that company will no longer have a place on this site. The purpose of this site, like many others of its type, is to provide information for fans of certain types of films.

Any comments, issues, or praise (yeah, right) will be greatly appreciated.



Bury Me An Angel (1972)

This is an odd one, that's for sure. Rough young chick hangs out with her brother's biker friends until one day someone blows his head off. Then Dag (Dixie Peabody) goes after her brother's killers with two pot-smoking, 'shroom-popping buddies. There's action, nudity, blood, fights, drugs, height-challenged cops and rumbling cycles. There's even Dan Haggerty doing a short bit as Dag's lover who awakens an awful suppressed memory that shatters Dag's world. The version this review is based on is the New World Video release on VHS.

Entertainment: 4

Crap Factor: +4

Value: 3 (definitely worth a rental and buy if you like it)


Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter (1974)

Hammer Films made a history for themselves with their long line of horror films. Werewolves, vampires, zombies, Frankenstein's Monster and the like were the basic ingredients. Kind of a British version of the Universal monster movies. Well, all good things eventually fade away, and Hammer Films started losing ground in the shocking Seventies with Gothic Horror failing to grasp modern audiences like it used to. Enter Captain Kronos, a new breed of character still using the trappings of the classic Hammer movies. This pale cat kicked supernatural ass. Fun and fast-paced, this movie is a great way to have fun on a lazy afternoon. Let's not forget to mention you get to see the ever-lovely Caroline Munro at her peak. The utterly ancient Paramount VHS release was viewed for this review. (Yeah, I still have two racks full of VHS, babies, so get used to it.)

Entertainment: 3 (only because it does slow down for just a little bit)

Crap Factor: +2 (okay, it has monsters, but it's ripping great fun otherwise)

Value: 4 (well worth checking out and adding to your horror library)

The Clonus Horror (1979)

This film is one of those that sneaks past you as a cheese-ball piece of nonsense, but it is a creature of a different kind. Low-budget? Yes, but very well written and decently acted. The story of a young man in love and training to go to America. Yeah, you heard right. America. Where are these young folks living? Well, a farm, to be honest. No plants here, but after a little surgery, they do have vegetables. It's a body farm. These poor saps are being harvested at the peak of health. And the conspiracy doesn't stop there. This film seems rather plain by the standards of today, but if you look at it carefully, you can see an amazing bit of cinematic paranoia that is well worth taking the time to root out. The absolutely ancient Catalina Home Video VHS was viewed for this review, but the film is available on DVD for you hipsters out there. Oh, and check out the total ripoff called The Island (2005).

Entertainment: 4

Crap Factor: 1 (Weird subject matter, but a very good film overall)

Value: 4 (Definitely worth adding to your library)



Al Adamson was king of crap cinema. Check his roster of garbage on his page to confirm this for yourself. The titles alone will make your head hurt and your nose bleed. This is one of his best, or worst, depending on your take on this kind of thing. You have classic horror actors like Lon Chaney, Jr. and J. Carrol Naish mixing with sleaze masters like Regina Carrol and poor Russ Tamblyn in a vaguely coherent film with TWO classic monsters. You can't go wrong with a set up like this. Oh, wait, it's a Al Adamnson movie. The video box from Very Strange Video says "We dare you to keep your eyes open!" I'd be more inclined to say "I dare you to stay awake." A definite favorite among fans of awful films.

Entertainment: 3 (If you crave weirdness, watch it)

Crap Factor: +4 (This serves as a prime example of crap cinema)

Value: 3 (I recommend a nice DVD copy if you can locate one)



Fantastic Planet (1973)

You've seen numerous films about alien planets and aliens. Welcome to the real deal. This French film shows an alien world that is, for the most part, utterly alien. The filmmakers don't take the time to spell everything out for you and some of the film is just too weird to wrap your head around, just like, uh, an alien culture might be. The animation is jerky and weird, perfect to depicting an alien world. This thing is out on DVD now and would be the preferred way to see it. The old United American Video Corporation VHS is the version viewed for this review.

Entertainment: 5 (Worth looking at -- period)

Crap Factor: 1 (rates that simply on the grounds that it is weird)

Value: 4 (perfect for those needing something a touch odd in their collection)


Gas! -Or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It. (1971)

A major miss-fire all the way around. The simple story of how a biological weapon accidentally kills everyone over the age of 25, and how the youngsters left behind rebuild the world. Sounds interesting, but it is stagy, tedious and laced with what is meant to be anti-establishment, tongue-in-cheek humor that just seems cocky and pretentious. I'm a registered Democrat, and this movie made me want to see some military types off these hippies like zombies in a mall. The MGM Midnite Movies DVD (with Wild In The Streets paired with it) was viewed for this review.

Entertainment: 1 (might help you understand why the cops beat kids during the '68 Democratic Convention)

Crap Factor: -1

Value: 1 (could be used for a coaster)



The Incredible Melting Man (1977)

This is one of those films that sounds like one of the titles The Beav and his little dorky buddies would talk about seeing at the Saturday matinees. But from the minute Famous Monsters Of Filmland "splashed" the icky main character in full color on the cover of one of their issues, it became a "must-see". And see it, I did. I have told people about this film for years, and they look at me like I'm speaking in tongues or something. Over the years, this film has become less gross and more funny. Now it is impossible to watch without supressing giggles and snickers. Astronaut brings something back from a space mission, and he starts melting. The only thing to slow the process is eating human flesh. Lots of gooey makeup effects from Oscar Award winner Rick Baker. Prime howler material. The rather old Orion Video VHS was used for this review.

Entertainment: 4 (Will keep you rolling with silliness)

Crap Factor: +4 (They just don't make junk like this anymore)

Value: 4 (Worth owning, but avoid the bootlegs)





Mondo Cane 2 (1963)

The "Mondo" film genre is full of weirdness, sickness, and plain shock cinema. These films can be both educational as well as exploitation at its worst. At best, it can show you alternatives to what we consider to be normal behavior. On the opposite end of the stick, you get really vile stuff. Mondo Cane and its sequel are a bit more tame than some that followed in their footsteps. Still, I wouldn't plant the kiddies in front of these to pass the time. You have mild perversions and the occasionally shocking bit of footage. And nudity, though it isn't the most tittillating stuff. The original "Mondo" films are great to see where this genre started, but I don't recommend ending your retrospective with the "Banned From TV" video of the poor lady being splattered by a train.

Entertainment: 3 (worth checking out if you are curious)

Crap Factor: +2 (not over the top, but definitely different)

Value: 2 (great for history of the "Mondo" genre, but a rental for non-fanatics)










Vampire Men Of the Lost Planet (1970)

You really can't go wrong with an Al Adamson movie. Okay, joking aside, this one is rough. Not as in "violent", but as in "What the hell is this?" Adamson scored a crappy foreign horror movie, dolled it up and spliced it into some extremely pointless gibberish about vampires from outer space taking over the Earth. Watch John Carradine shuffle through another thankless role. Watch Robert Dix try to look manly. Watch Vicki Volante attempt to act. Better yet, don't watch it. No one will ever know the difference. The Very Strange Video VHS version was used for this review. Also known as Horror Of the Blood Monsters.

Entertainment:, 2! Nah, it gets a 1

Crap factor: +5 (why did I limit myself to +5 when I knew this movie existed?)

Value: 1 (great for torturing old people and small animals)